TE Domains Domain Details

Use the Domain Details screen to update fields in a given Domain.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Apply Service Pack

Use this function to install a service pack for the selected domain.

Apply Upgrade

Use this function to install an upgrade to the selected domain.

Delete Costpoint Connection

This option displays only if the selected domain has a Costpoint connection, and will not display if the domain is Master.  It allows you to delete the Costpoint database connection.

Create Costpoint Connection

If the selected domain does not have a Costpoint connection, this option will display, and it will not appear if domain is Master. This option allows you to create a Costpoint connection. Information needed to create the connection is as follows:

  • Database Platform – Oracle or SQLServer
  • IP Address/Host Name – The IP address or host name for the database server
  • Port – The port number that the database server is listening to
  • Instance/Database Name – For Oracle, the instance name for the Costpoint database.  For SQL Server, the name of the database.
  • User ID – The user ID that the system should connect to the database as. This is typically the DELTEK account.
  • Password – The password for the User ID specified above
Apply License

Use this function to install a license file change for the selected domain. This option does not appear if the domain is Master or Sample.  Select the hyperlink for more details.


This function is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Domain Name

This non-editable field displays the selected domain name.

Schema Name

This non-editable field displays the selected schema name.


Select the appropriate option to enable or disable the login for this domain and schema.

Field Description

Select the locale to be used by this domain and schema. The options are "German," "English (United Kingdom)," "English (United States)," "Spanish," "French," and "Dutch."


This function is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Field Description
Company Logo

Enter the location of your company logo graphic file. When you click Apply, this information will be stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table. The company logo will appear above the global options area on the page.

This function is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Branding Area Graphic

Enter the location of your product branding graphic file. When you click Apply, this information will be stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table. The product branding graphic will appear above the menu navigation area and spread over to the company logo area.

This function is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Splash Screen Graphic

Enter the location of the graphic file that you want to use on your splash screen, which will cover the application area. When you select the Apply pushbutton, this information will be stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.

This function is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Authentication Method

From the Authentication Method drop-down list,  select either Database, LDAP, or SSO, depending on which method you use to authenticate user logins.

For information on configuring LDAP or SSO, refer to your Deltek Time & Expense with ESS installation guide.

Login ID Source

From the  Login ID Source drop-down list, select either Login ID or Context ID, depending on which method you use to authenticate employee logins.

The ID fields are located in the Employee Information screen.


For information on configuring SSO LDAP, refer to the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS installation guide.

Case Sensitive Login ID

When you select Case Sensitive Login ID, the user names are authenticated based on an exact match, including upper and lower case letters.

To ignore case when authenticating user names, clear the check box.

Passwords are always case sensitive.

Mixed Case Password

Select this check box to allow a mix of upper and lower case letters in login passwords.

Export Location

Enter the location where all export files will be stored. When you select the Apply button, this information is inserted into the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Import Location

Enter the location where all import files will be stored. When you select the Apply pushbutton, this information is inserted into the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Trash Location

Enter the location where all trash files will be stored. When you select the Apply pushbutton, this information is inserted into the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Empty Trash

Select this pushbutton to remove all files and folders from your Trash directory. This will permanently remove the files.

Attachment Storage Method

Use this field to determine where attachments are stored. Select from the following options:

File System — Select this option to store attachments in a file system.

Database — Select this option to store attachments in a database.

This field is automatically disabled after you upload attachments to the designated location. This prevents the location option from being modified if attachments already exist. If no attachments yet exist, the storage location can be modified.

Expense Receipt Traveler Import (PDF)

Field Description
Traveler Import Location

If you are using the Bar Code preprocessor, enter the directory location that will receive incoming Receipt Travelers. After the preprocessor examines the bar code printed on the Receipt Traveler, it renames the file with the Expense ID information gathered from the bar code and moves it to the Receipt Storage location. If the preprocessor can't read the bar code, it moves the Receipt Traveler to the Traveler Rejection Location directory.

Enter the location to store incoming PDF expense receipts.

Traveler Rejection Location

Enter the directory location that will receive Receipt Travelers rejected by the Bar Code preprocessor.

Traveler Examination Level

The option you select here determines the extent of system resources available to the Bar Code preprocessor when it reads the bar codes on Receipt Traveler files stored in the Traveler Import location.

Options include 1-5, with 1 representing the fastest processing time.

Receipt Storage Location

Enter the location where all receipt images will be stored. When you click Apply, this information is inserted into the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.


This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Field Description
Mobile Message Bundle Location

If your company uses Deltek Mobile Time, enter the location for storing the message bundles for this module. Click OK to save your changes. This option defines the location where the message bundles are stored after you click Create File(s) > on the Custom Text screen of General Configuration.

Email Addresses

Enter the e-mail addresses for your main system and for notifications from the Time, Expense, and ESS modules.

System Email address

Enter your system's main e-mail address. When you click Apply, this information is stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Time Sender Email Address

Enter the e-mail address that you want to use when sending e-mail notifications from the Time module.

This e-mail address appears in the From line of the e-mail. The name of the person originating the e-mail appears in the body of the message, and optionally, the originator's Employee ID also appears, provided that Show Employee ID in Workflow is selected in Configuration/General/Miscellaneous.

Expense Sender Email Address

Enter the e-mail address that you want to use when sending e-mail notifications from the Expense module.

This e-mail address appears in the From line of the e-mail. The name of the person originating the e-mail appears in the body of the message, and optionally, the originator's Employee ID also appears, provided that Show Employee ID in Workflow is selected in Configuration/General/Miscellaneous.

ESS Sender Email Address

Enter the e-mail address that you want to use when sending e-mail notifications from the ESS module.

This e-mail address appears in the From line of the e-mail. The name of the person originating the e-mail appears in the body of the message, and optionally, the originator's Employee ID also appears, provided that Show Employee ID in Workflow is selected in Configuration/General/Miscellaneous.


Enter your system's SMTP port. When you select the Apply pushbutton, this information is stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

SMTP Server Name

Enter your system's SMTP server name. When you select the Apply pushbutton, this information is stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.


Enter your system's SMTP user ID. When you select the Apply pushbutton, this information is stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

SMTP Password

Enter your system's SMTP password. When you select the Apply pushbutton, this information is stored in the Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service Configuration table. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Persistent Cookie Options

Field Description
Save Login ID to Cookie

Select this check box to save the user's Login ID to the same cookie that stores the user's locale/language preference on the login screen.

When you select this option, the user's login ID defaults in the Login ID field the next time the user accesses the Login screen.

Save Domain to Cookie

Select this check box to save the user's domain to the same cookie that stores the user's locale/language preference.

When you select this option, the user's domain defaults in the Domain field the next time the user accesses the Login screen.

Employee Password Self Reset Options

Field Description
Employee Password Reset

Select this check box to allow employees who have forgotten their passwords to reset them. When you select this check box, users who click Forgot Password on the Login screen are redirected to the Password Self-Reset dialog box, where they must answer a pre-defined security question. The security question displays in the language the user selected from the Language/Locale drop-down list on their Login screen.

Security Question Fields

If this domain is enabled for more than one language, the Security Question grid displays.

In the Security Question grid, type a question that a user can answer when confirming his or her identity for the Password Self-Reset feature.  The question will apply for all users, regardless of class or function role.

The question can be up to 120 characters long. It should be personal enough so that only the user is likely to know the answer, such as the maiden name of the user's mother or the name of the high school the user attended.

If your firm supports multiple languages in Deltek Time & Expense with ESS, type the security question in each of the languages you support to ensure that the question will display in the user’s selected language.


Users select their default language from the Language/Locale drop-down list on the Login screen. When they select a language other than English, their choice is saved to a cookie. That same cookie enables the Password Self-Reset and Security Question dialog boxes to display in the selected language.

Email Reset Password to Employees

Select this check box if you want Time & Expense to create a system-generated password and automatically send the temporary password to an employee’s email address.

When the employee clicks Forgot/Reset Password on the logon screen, the Password Self Reset screens display, where the employee provides the Login ID, Domain, and answers a pre-determined security question. If this information passes validation, the employee is notified that the temporary password will be sent by email.

After the employee logs on using the temporary password, the Change Password screen displays, where the employee is forced to create a new, permanent password.


When you configure Time & Expense to email reset passwords and an employee’s email address is unavailable, the password is reset to the employee’s Government ID.

If you do not want to send reset passwords by email, leave the Email Reset Password > to Employee check box clear. When the employee successfully completes the Reset Password screens, a system message notifies the employee that the password was reset to his or her Government ID. After the employee logs on using the Government ID, the Change Password screen displays, where the employee is forced to create a new, permanent password.

Clear Answers

If you change the security question for Reset Password, click Clear Answers to remove answers provided by users to the previous question. You should only clear the answers if the security question has changed and the answers no longer apply to the new question.

Custom Stored Procedure Names

Field Description
Timesheet Pre Save

Enter the name of your Timesheet Pre Save Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.


This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Field Description
Timesheet Post Save

Enter the name of your Timesheet Post Save Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Timesheet Pre Sign

Enter the name of your Timesheet Pre Sign Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Timesheet Post Sign

Enter the name of your Timesheet Post Sign Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Timesheet Post Approve

Enter the name of your Timesheet Post Approve Stored Procedure.. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Report Pre Sign

Enter the name of your Expense Report Pre Sign Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Report Post Sign

Enter the name of your Expense Report Post Sign Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Pre Save

Enter the name of your Expense Report Pre Save Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Post Save

Enter the name of your Expense Report Post Save Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Authorization Report Pre Sign

Enter the name of your Expense Authorization Pre Sign Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Authorization Post Sign

Enter the name of your Expense Authorization Post Sign Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Authorization Pre Save

Enter the name of your Expense Authorization Pre Save Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Expense Authorization Post Save

Enter the name of your Expense Authorization Post Save Stored Procedure. This is an optional field.

This field is not applicable for the MASTER domain.

Save Changes

Select this pushbutton to update the database with your changes for the selected domain and schema. Company Logo, Branding Area Graphic, and Splash Screen Graphic are required fields.  If you do not make entries in these fields, the system will display an error message when you select the Apply pushbutton.

You will receive a confirmation message when the domain is updated. Use your browser's Back button to return to the screen.